- Gotour5 5.00 (8) Apply Gotour5 5.00 filter
- Gotour5 7.03 (1) Apply Gotour5 7.03 filter
- Gotour5 7.23 (5) Apply Gotour5 7.23 filter
- Gotour6 7.12 (2) Apply Gotour6 7.12 filter
- Gotour6 7.43 (1) Apply Gotour6 7.43 filter
- Upstreet3 7.23 HS (4) Apply Upstreet3 7.23 HS filter
- Upstreet5 5.20 (1) Apply Upstreet5 5.20 filter
- Upstreet5 7.43 (9) Apply Upstreet5 7.43 filter
- Upstreet6 7.10 HS (30) Apply Upstreet6 7.10 HS filter
Body Height in cm
Frame size
- S (15) Apply S filter
- M (14) Apply M filter
- L (16) Apply L filter
- XL (12) Apply XL filter
- XXL (3) Apply XXL filter
- XXXL (1) Apply XXXL filter
- S 43cm (3) Apply S 43cm filter
- S 44cm (7) Apply S 44cm filter
- S 45cm (5) Apply S 45cm filter
- M 47cm (3) Apply M 47cm filter
- M 48cm (7) Apply M 48cm filter
- M 49cm (4) Apply M 49cm filter
- L 51cm (4) Apply L 51cm filter
- L 52cm (9) Apply L 52cm filter
- L 53cm (3) Apply L 53cm filter
- XL 55cm (1) Apply XL 55cm filter
- XL 56cm (6) Apply XL 56cm filter
- XL 57cm (5) Apply XL 57cm filter
- XXL 59cm (3) Apply XXL 59cm filter
- XXXL 63cm (1) Apply XXXL 63cm filter
- 0% Finanzierung (165) Apply 0% Finanzierung filter
- (-) Remove Bestseller filter Bestseller
- Discount (281) Apply Discount filter
- Up to 10% (75) Apply Up to 10% filter
- Up to 20% (50) Apply Up to 20% filter
- Up to 30% (60) Apply Up to 30% filter
- Bis 40% Rabatt (68) Apply Bis 40% Rabatt filter
- Bis 50% Rabatt (23) Apply Bis 50% Rabatt filter
- Starting from 31% (5) Apply Starting from 31% filter
- Premium (21) Apply Premium filter
- Lifestyle (1) Apply Lifestyle filter
- Retro (1) Apply Retro filter
Wheel Size
Engine (simple)
Engine (detailed)
- TDCM HSA5-F, 37 Nm (30) Apply TDCM HSA5-F, 37 Nm filter
- Panasonic GX Ultimate, 95 Nm (19) Apply Panasonic GX Ultimate, 95 Nm filter
- Panasonic GX Power, 60 Nm (8) Apply Panasonic GX Power, 60 Nm filter
- Bosch Performance Line 4.0, 75 Nm (3) Apply Bosch Performance Line 4.0, 75 Nm filter
- Panasonic GX Power Plus, 75 Nm (1) Apply Panasonic GX Power Plus, 75 Nm filter
Drivetrain (simple)
Drivetrain (detailed)
- External gears (32) Apply External gears filter
- Internal gears with chain (8) Apply Internal gears with chain filter
- Internal gears with Gates (11) Apply Internal gears with Gates filter
- Internal gears with chain (1) Apply Internal gears with chain filter
- Stepless hub with Gates (4) Apply Stepless hub with Gates filter
- El. stepless hub with Gates (5) Apply El. stepless hub with Gates filter
Battery position
Frame Material
Maximum Weight Allowed
- Nummernschild ZH (inkl. Montagematerial) exkl. Vignette (34) Apply Nummernschild ZH (inkl. Montagematerial) exkl. Vignette filter
- Federgabel für Upstreet6 () (30) Apply Federgabel für Upstreet6 () filter
- Enviolo Automatic (3) Apply Enviolo Automatic filter
- Enviolo Automatic () (2) Apply Enviolo Automatic () filter
61 bycicles are selected. | Updated on 29.12.2024 at 21:29 hours.
Performance E-Bike up to 25 km/h
Gear 5 Gears Internal gears with chain
Size M, 49cm, for 163-177cm
Vehicle ID W9030
Standort Velo Winterthur, Hegistr. 35b
You save Fr. 2'000.-
Non-contractual illustration